Pragmatic Minds

How do we work?

Our interventions start by exploring the root-causes of the observed behaviours and integrating a solid business perspective complemented by scientific tools.  Our consulting approach is aimed at working shoulder-to-shoulder with your teams. We want your organisation to absorb the skills to carry the change transformation further, because organisational change projects may need several years.

How do we measure results?

Our clients want to understand the impact of organisational change initiatives.

What will we bring?


Structure to the approach from our methodology.

We use proven frameworks based on academic research and our own experience.


Timing and rhythm.

As time moves forward with the day-to-day pressure, the drumbeat will prevent that the project will die slowly.


Measure the progress of the transformation.

We will need to align on the soft and hard KPI’s that will measure the progress in the change transformation program such as awareness, understanding, individual buy-in and ability to implement.

The levels we work on


Change starts with understanding one self, particularly in situations of stress.  If you want to change other people, start with yourself.


Every change process starts with engaging with one person at a time. If you want to influence other people’s behaviour you need to develop trust.


Reaching out and connect with my team and other teams. Interpersonal and informal connections across teams are the new normal.

Besides formal measurement tools, we believe that informal observed behavioural is an important indicator of the effect of organisational change projects. This can be if symbols are changed, if you notice people’s participation and contribution to cross-departmental projects. Also, what people say, what they talk about, what cannot be talked about. Improved cross departmental interaction and change in attrition are other important indicators for change.

A Change Heat Map for me is about providing an organisation or a large business unit a total or enterprise view of the people impacted by all projects. It provides leadership teams or executives with a total picture of the key impacts on teams or business units over time, and most importantly, shows how it can be used to make decisions around these impacts.

Measure change continuous over time: when first signs of change are identified, it is important that the progress is secured,and the ‘old’ habits do not come back.

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Are you ready to start the change?

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Pragmatic Minds